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پاورپوینت تابش لیزر در مقابل نور معمولی

دانلود پاورپوینت با موضوع پاورپوینت تابش لیزر در مقابل نور معمولی دارای 6 اسلاید و با فرمت .ppt و قابل ویرایش و آماده برای ارائه ، چاپ ، تحقیق و کنفرانس می باشد.


تعداد اسلاید : 6 اسلاید
فرمت فایل: پاورپوینت .ppt و قابل ویرایش
آماده برای : ارائه ، چاپ ، تحقیق و کنفرانس

قسمتی از متن نمونه:

Laser radiation versus “ordinary light”
In contrast to light from an ordinary light bulb, laser radiation is generally very focused.

High intensity of radiation even for very low power rating of laser.
(A 50 Watt laser can be very dangerous while a 50 Watt light bulb is rather harmless).

When high intensities are absorbed in biological or other materials they can cause damage (eye damage, blindness, burns of other body parts, fire).

The probability of damage depends on
the type of laser used and
whether appropriate safety precautions are in place.

Laser safety classes
Class I Inherently safe; no possibility of eye damage. This can be either because of a low output power (in which cases eye damage is impossible even after hours of exposure), or due to an enclosure that cannot be opened in normal operation without the laser being switched off automatically, such as in CD players.

Class II The blinking reflex of the human eye (aversion response) will prevent eye damage, unless the person deliberately stares into the beam. Output powers up to 1mW. This class contains lasers that emit visible light only. Some laser pointers are in this category.

Class IIa A region in the low-power end of Class II where the laser requires in excess of 1000seconds of continuous viewing to produce a burn to the retina. Supermarket laser scanners are in this subclass.

Class IIIa Lasers in this class are mostly dangerous in combination with optical instruments which change the beam diameter. Output powers 1–5 mW. Maximum power density in the beam is 2.5 mW/square cm. Many laser pointers are in this category.

Laser safety classes

Class IIIb Will cause damage if the beam enters the eye directly. This generally applies to lasers powered from 5–500 mW. Lasers in this category can easily cause permanent eye damage from exposures of 1/100th of a second or less depending on the strength of the laser. A diffuse reflection is generally not hazardous but specularreflections can be just as dangerous as direct exposures. Protective eyewear is always recommended when experimenting withIIIblasers. Lasers at the high power end of this class may also present a fire hazard and can lightly burn skin.

Class IV Highly dangerous. Lasers in this class have output powers of more than 500 mWin the beam, or produce intense pulses of light. These are cutting, etching and surgical lasers and can cause damage without being magnified by the optics of the eye. Diffusereflections of the laser beam can be hazardous to skin or eye within the Nominal Hazard Zone.
Generally one can state that a laser is more dangerous with:

(i) Higher power
دانلود پاورپوینت با موضوع پاورپوینت تابش لیزر در مقابل نور معمولی دارای 6 اسلاید و با فرمت .ppt و قابل ویرایش و آماده برای ارائه ، چاپ ، تحقیق و کنفرانس می باشد.

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